Saturday, June 2, 2007

The Enjoyment of Nothing

Today we relaxed. Kenz wanted to sleep in and I didn’t have any reason to disagree so we kept our room nice and dark until about 9:30am. I couldn’t sit in bed any longer so I headed outside to read and relax, but it got warm pretty quick. Around 10 we sat down and tried to come up with a plan for the day, and basically decided to not do much. I walked down the beach to try to find a volleyball game (no luck, both courts were empty) but did find a barbershop. My hair is back to length 2 on the clippers and I am enjoying the feeling of rubbing my hands through it yet again. One highlight of the walk to the barber’s office was visiting the local real estate office. It was tempting, but my indigent circumstances prevented me from splurging on a nice condo. We did decide to drive our car for the first time in 3 days and venture across the island to another waterfall. The drive across the north side of the island was much easier as we had better road and less traffic. The waterfall was nice, but didn’t have near as big a swimming hole as the last one. Thankfully, the water was again a wonderful refreshing temperature and I laid on a big rock on my back with ½ my body in the water while trying to get some sun on my chest to get it a darker color like my back (back feels great and is much darker today, I really can tan!!!). On the way back to the hotel we visited 7-11 and stocked up on supplies for the next few days. Our evening was spent watching 2 Offices episodes, enjoying the thunderstorm over the bay from our balcony, and taking turns visiting the internet café to update blogs and call home (Mackenzie is starting to become her boyfriend’s morning alarm clock, much to his consternation).
I thought I would include some random pics since I didn’t take any today. These include Mackenzie “pretending” to go to the bathroom during our visit to the national park, my plate from the national park visit (what is up my expression?), our hotel, and whatever else I find entertaining in the next 5 minutes. Oh yeah, if you want to see an entertaining video clip go to and type in “Blue Crayon Girlfriend.” Mackenzie sent her boyfriend a package from New Jersey before she left and he thought it would be funny to put her embarrassing antics up for the whole world to see. She got her revenge by accepting my engagement proposal, done with the ring made of grass made by our elephant driver. Needless to say, his job is pretty boring. Don’t worry Spencer, I can’t afford a diamond and will let her off easy before the end of the trip.
P.S. Sorry about all the pictures of me the last couple of days, the camerawoman can’t keep her eyes off.

1 comment:

Marissa said...

Apparently Congratulations are in order! P.S. that plate is awesome and I hope you took it home with you...